!!! We Need Your Feedback !!!

Your opinion matters! Thank you for being a member of PMI CVC!

1. How many PMI CVC Virtual events have you attended this year?

2. How many PMI CVC in-person events have you attended this year?

3. Was the weekday (Virtual: Wednesday or inperson: Thursday) the best option?

If no: What day of the week would you have preferred?

4.Was the venue location convenient?

If no, where would you like to recommend as an alternative?

5.Do you prefer 1. In-person or 2. Virtual? (Please select from the drop menu))

6. Please share any additional observations:

All of the fields must be filled.

All required boxes must be checked

Thank you for filling out the form. A PMI representative will contact you shortly with more information.

Upcoming Events

April 9 2025


Scrum's Frontier: Navigating Agile Beyond IT (An In-Person Event)

April 9th, 202517:15 to 20:00

The Place at Innsbrook

4036-C Cox Rd
Glen Allen, VA, 23060

[Click here for Map and Directions]

What! You want me to lead this project, that is not IT, in AGILE? We are not delivering software!


$20.00Early bird member

$30.00Early bird non member


$40.00Non members

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