PM-ProLearn PMP® & PMI-ACP® Online - Live Exam Prep

Official PM-ProLearn Website

As a PMI Central Virginia Chapter Member - You will receieve 25% off these PM-ProLearn Courses


PMP® Exam Prep Course List Price: $1,959; PMICVC Member Price: $1469.25

Course Catalog


CAPM® Exam Prep Course $List Price: 1,704; PMICVC Member Price: $1,278

Course Catalog


PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Course List Price: $1,559; PMICVC Member Price: $1,169.25

Course Catalog

Exam Cram

Exam Cram List Price: $350; PMICVC Member Price: $262

Course Catalog
Interested in taking a course? 
Complete the form below to receive your discount code to the course offerings of PM-ProLearn. Once you have completed the required form, one of our PMICVC Leadership Team Members will verify your CVC membership and will reach out to you with your discount coupon code and registration information!

Why PM-ProLearn for your PMP® course?
  1. PMP Exam Fee - Yes, we pay your $555 exam fee as part of your enrollment
  2. PMP 1st Retest Fee - We are so confident in our training system that we will pay your $375 retest fee if you fail the first time
  3. Lifetime PM-ProCommunity membership
  4. 35 hours of Instructor-Led Training - Expert instructors lead you through an interactive course with military & civilian project examples that covers everything you need to know to pass the PMP Exam
  5. 1-Year Access to the PMP Multi-Spectrum Online Learning System (MSOLS)
  6. PMP Application review & support  - We make sure your application is ready for submission to PMI
  7. 1-Year Free Re-attendance  - Reattend any future course in-person or virtual as many times as you want at no cost
View Available Courses
Why PM-ProLearn for your PMI-ACP® Course?
  1. PMI-ACP Exam Fee - Yes, we pay your $495 exam fee as part of your enrollment
  2. PMI-ACP 1st Retest Fee - We are so confident in our training system that we will pay your $395 retest fee if you fail the first time
  3. PMI-ACP Exam Prep Hard Copy - We give you a hard copy of the PMI-ACP Exam Prep, 2nd Ed.
  4. 24 hours of Instructor-Led Training - Expert instructors lead you through an interactive course with military & civilian project examples that covers everything you need to know to pass the PMI-ACP Exam with flexibility to attend in-person, virtually, or combination-hybrid
  5. 1-Year Access to the ACP Multi-Spectrum Online Learning System (MSOLS)
  6. PMI-ACP Application review & support  - We make sure your application is ready for submission to PMI
  7. 1-Year Free Re-attendance  - Reattend any future course in-person, virtually, or combination-hybrid as many times as you want at no cost
View Available Courses


'The study material from PM ProLearn was very thorough and gave me the confidence needed to pass the exam. Bonus was having the opportunity to listen to the lectures while driving or working out. It was nice having the flexibility to have the information when I needed it. I bought some supplementary items simply because I am a terrible test taker. I returned most items I bought and stuck with the PM ProLearn program. Thank you all for your help! I’m happy to have PMP after my name now.'

Angela Neal, PMP

“I have been blown away. I have attended very high-level, highly-rated courses in the past, and have never received dedication, commitment, and detail of instruction and feedback I’ve received in the past 2 ½ weeks. I am so grateful for PM-ProLearn as a company, and even more grateful for the dedication of its employees. I found nothing but caring and commitment from everyone. The help and kindness from my Instructor Michael Burgos these past weeks has been far beyond what would have been reasonably expected. I am so appreciative.'

Nicole Singer, PMP, USAF

“I recently achieved my PMP Certification in December of 2020. I was actually scheduled to take the test in March of last year, but COVID put things on hold, as it has for many. I was able to utilize the material from my PM-ProLearn class earlier that year, and intensely studied for 4 months. The material and the class enabled me to pass on the first try. It was a humbling and rewarding experience. I am very appreciative for the materials and guidance.”

Kirby Ewing, PMP

“You can read the PMBOK all day, but there’s no substitute for hearing the concepts explained in plain English. PM-Prolearn’s course material does just that and I found their practice questions to be excellent preparation (i.e. more challenging) than any of the questions on the actual exam. I give them considerable credit for my 4/5 above targets on exam day.'

Matt Marston, PMP, USA