Project Management Institute
Board Member Roles
Download PMI Central Virginia's organizational chart.
Board of Directors Organization
Organizational Chart
DownloadAll Board members are responsible for:
- Attending all Board meetings or designating an assigned delegate to attend in his/her absence.
- Attending all possible chapter events as a visible member of the Board
- Attending and contributing to all annual planning and strategy sessions
- Collaborating with other Board members with initiatives that cross over Board responsibilities
- Attending leadership meetings as applicable
- Fulfilling and documenting duties and responsibilities for their Board position
- Sponsoring committees to fulfill Board responsibilities and appointing Directors, if necessary. Ensuring that any volunteers understand the related policies and procedures.
- Promoting PMI CVC and its initiatives and values at business and PM community events
- Building positive and productive relations between PMI CVC and the local community
- Developing and maintaining policies and procedures documents and other materials for the Board position on Board collaboration site.
- Contributing and maintaining information on the PMI CVC website and newsletter
- Preparing monthly status reports for presentation at chapter board meetings.
- Maintaining and delivering all PMI CVC assets, permanent records, policies and procedures to the position successor as required.
- Preparing annual budget, tracking income and expense items, and remitting fees collected, submitting expense reports and reporting progress against the budget to the VP of Finance.
- Checking their Board e-mail on a regular basis and responding in a timely manner.
More Details about specific
Board positions
Roles and Responsibilities
The President is responsible for the overall functioning of the chapter, assuring that the chapter board works together as a
team, dedicated to achieving the chapter vision, mission and objectives as detailed in the chapter Charter.
The President will:
- Schedule, coordinate, provide agendas and preside over all Business and chapter meetings.
- Direct the activities of other officers toward chapter goals and objectives.
- Appoint Nominating Committee members by July 1 of each year to conduct chapter elections.
- Appoint replacement board members for vacant board positions
- Appoint committee and committee chairperson representatives to task teams as required and subject to the board's approval.
- Submit to PMI an annual application for charter renewal, pursuant to the chapter Policies & Procedures. (The VP-Treasury and Finance, the VP-Membership and the Immediate Past President will assist in supplying information for this document.)
- Direct preparation of chapter Annual Report and chapter Awards for submission to PMI Headquarters.
- Distribute chapter Annual Report to chapter Membership.
- Represent the chapter, or appoint appropriate alternate, at the PMI Global
- Leadership Meeting (Fall) meeting.
- Represent the chapter at bi-monthly Regional Chapter president conference calls.
- Represent the chapter at the annual Region 5 Leadership meeting held in January.
Prepare documents for Commonwealth of Virginia annual incorporation renewal and coordinate incorporation activities with chapter attorneys. - Prepare monthly status reports for presentation at chapter board meetings.
- Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required.
- Prepare annual budget, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget to the VP of Treasury & Finance.
- Coordinate with the President-Elect in the event of illness, business commitment, or other event that precludes short-term ability to carry out the responsibilities articulated above.
Director of Sponsorship
The Director of Sponsorship is responsible for promoting the benefits of the chapter to organizations located in the Central Virginia area for the purpose of obtaining corporate commitment in the form of membership, donations, and sponsorship for chapter-related events.
- Responsible for filling the committee with interested volunteers
- Lead and develop the committee
- Provide monthly updates to the VP of Communications
- Promote PMI with corporate representatives and other professional organizations
- Solicit chapter sponsorship requests from businesses in the area that have a tie to PMI or Project Management
- Select organizations with a tie to leadership or volunteer organization management
- Create professional correspondence
- Manage PMI CVC website to ensure sponsorship advertising is listed
- Ensure timely payments from sponsors
Partner with the Board and Directors on special events - Prepare annual budget request, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget
Important Qualifications or Skills
- Candidate must have at least two years prior experience on the Board (as a Vice President or a Director)
- Vision
- Dedication to the organization
- Some public speaking; or at least to the degree of being comfortable chairing
- Board meetings and/or conducting business from the podium for dinner meetings
- Knowledge of the PMI CVC organization, GOC and component operations (this can be learned on the job)
- All of the usual soft skills required for a supervisory / management role
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Assumes all duties and responsibilities of the President in cases of temporary absence or incapacitation
- Approve the policies for the other executive officers
- Special Projects assigned by the President and the Board
- Liaison and relationships with other professional organizations
- Plan and facilitate the annual Board Transition Meeting
- Maintaining chapter records including: Board and business meetings
- Policies and Procedures
- Confidentiality Agreements
- By-laws
- Cooperative Agreements
The roles and responsibilities of the Executive VP Directors:
Director of Administration / Secretary
- Appointed volunteer responsible for preparing, maintaining, recording, circulating all records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of the chapter.
- Assure safekeeping of all governing documents (approved bylaws, articles of incorporation, charter agreement, board policies, committee charters, and all other non-financial records for the chapter)
- Coordinate and distribute meeting agendas, keep the records of all business meetings of the chapter and meetings of the board
- Maintain all meeting minutes — must document in accordance with parliamentary procedures as determined by the board
- Notice of all annual meetings shall be sent to all members at least 30 - 45 days in advance of the meeting. Action at such meetings shall
- be limited to those agenda items contained in the notice of the meeting
- Provide records to members and outside organizations that request information
- Provide all notifications to the membership, directors, auditors and members of committees
- Coordinate distribution of all general correspondence
- Provide support for membership communication
- Oversee coordination of printed materials (logo items, business cards, etc.)
Develop and implement succession and transition plan
- Attend Monthly Board Meeting
- Take Minutes of Discussions, Motions, and Action Items
- Review and Update Board Action Items
- Transcribe Minutes into Standard Format and Distribute for Review and Approval
Director of Special Projects
- Assist the Executive VP in executing Special Projects that are assigned by the President and the Board
- Conduct/appoint nominations committee for Board Elections if the Executive VP is not involved directly when running for a position on the Board
Military Liaison Director
- Enhances efforts to maximize new memberships and renewals, including membership drives and on-site military brown bag luncheons or meetings.
- Supports local chapter with announcements of new military memberships at meetings.
- Contributes to marketing/newsletter/website.
- Communicates Military Liaison efforts and measurements through PMI global resources.
- Tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) measurements in the form of new military members and certifications achieved.
- Supports PMI and other Military Liaisons to assist in knowledge sharing and lessons learned.
- In accordance with chapter policies and procedures, provides local chapter marketing assistance.
- chapter marketing assistance. Examples include:
––Creating and circulating a “new member packet” with information
about local chapter community involvement, military discounts and
benefits as well as introducing the local chapter PMI board.
––Establishing relationships with local community organizations
in support of hiring/training military in transition.
––Understanding and familiarity with the PMI and chapter website,
including membership, certifications, standards and product fees.
––Attending a minimum of four to six chapter meetings; available
for annual planning sessions.
––Pending fiscal and budgetary resources, in charge of a booth
at chapter networking events.
Important Qualifications or Skills
- Candidate must have at least one year prior experience on the Board (as a Vice President or a Director)
- Vision
- Dedication to the organization
- Some public speaking; or at least to the degree of being comfortable chairing
- Board meetings and/or conducting business from the podium for dinner meetings
- Knowledge of the PMI CVC organization, GOC and component operations (this can be learned on the job)
- All of the usual soft skills required for a supervisory / management role
Roles and Responsibilities
The Vice President of Communications is responsible for all matters related to sponsorship, correspondence to include the chapter newsletter, membership, community outreach, social media, advertising and volunteerism, which will include the recognition dinner, recruitment and coordination
Important Qualifications or Skills
- Dedication and commitment to the organization
- Out-going, and personable
- Understand Chapter functions to enable promotion of chapter
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Knowledge of PMI, PMP
- Ability to work against a budget
- Creative Thinking
The roles and responsibilities of the VP of Communications' Directors
Director of Newsletters
- The Director of Correspondence/Newsletter will lead and direct the Correspondence/Newsletter committee. They will work with the VP of Communications in maintaining a chapter Correspondence/Newsletter plan
- Manage and publish the bi-monthly newsletter, establishing volunteer committees as required
- Solicit and/or write articles for the bi-monthly newsletter
- Coordinate with chapter President on announcing open positions at monthly chapter meetings
- Notify membership of PMI CVC events, elections, job postings, and other communications via the newsletter
- Prepare monthly status reports
- Respond to comments and questions
Director of Membership
- The Director of Membership is responsible for the collecting and disseminating membership statistics and information, for welcoming new members, and following with members on membership issues.
- In partnership with the VP of Communications, develop and track an annual membership plan
- Welcome new members (send letters, provide gifts, invite them to the chapter meetings and other events)
- Hold Orientations for new members
- Run 'New Member Welcome Pass' Program
- Manage 'guest pass' program
- Follow-up with members that do not renew membership to determine reason for non-renewal
- Contact prospective members
- Provide information about the chapter at events, and follow up with member information requests
- Address Member question
- Obtain current CRS files as needed for use in analyzing membership statistics and reporting membership totals
- Obtain current CRS files as needed for use in mailing Chapter event notices, newsletters and the Annual Report
- Analyze statistics on members, new members, non-renewal and transfers, and new certifications (PMP, etc.)
- Manage information display at chapter events; keep the information current and relevant
- Survey members concerning their view of the Chapter
Director of Volunteerism
- The Director of Volunteerism will lead and direct the Volunteer committee. They will work with the VP of Communications in maintaining a chapter volunteerism plan that enables successful staffing of chapter committee directorships, committee positions and ad hoc tasks as requested and/or identified by the VPs or their Directors.
- Serve as central point of contact for volunteers for the Central Virginia Chapter
- Encourage volunteerism within the Central VA Chapter
- Maintain a current file of open/requested positions by area/board position
- Maintain a chapter volunteerism plan to enable successful staffing of committee and/or ad hoc volunteers
- Coordinate with chapter President on announcing open positions / tasking request at monthly chapter meetings
- Coordinate with Director of Membership to contact new members to encourage volunteerism with the Central Virginia Chapter
- Recruit members for open volunteer positions and see if they are interested in future open volunteer positions
- Develop a list of potential volunteers for future needs from the new member and established member solicitations; identify member name, area of interest, amount of time available, special conditions, and contact information; and share potential volunteer list with the Board
- Coordination of the annual PMI CVC Volunteer recognition celebration in conjunction with the Director of Programs
- In coordination with the VPs and Directors, obtain and maintain an active listing of all chapter volunteers; this listing will include at a minimum name, committee, role/task and starting and finish dates
- Implement and Support PMI Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS)
- Prepare monthly status reports for slide presentations (announcements and marketing presentations) on Volunteerism opportunities for presentation at chapter board meetings
Director of Social Media
- The Director of Social Media will lead and direct the Social Media committee. They will work with the VP of Communications in maintaining a chapter social media plan that enables successful staffing of chapter committee directorships, committee positions and ad hoc tasks as requested and/or identified by the VPs or their Directors. The Director is responsible for implementing, optimizing, moderating and maintaining social media for the chapter in line with the chapter’s social media policy, communication/marketing plan and PMI’s Social Media Guidelines and brand standards for Chapters.
- Follow the chapter’s social media strategy and social media policy
- Ensure compliance with PMI’s Social Media Guidelines and brand standards for chapters
- Provide leadership to other teams on the most effective methods of using the Chapter social media presence for their needs
- Stay abreast of social media trends and technology and advise the Chapter if and how to leverage them
- Learn about tools and applications that can enhance and/or automate social media activities
- Work closely with Director of Web Content and Director of Newsletters for the integrity and effectiveness of communications
- Content creation as necessary, including posts, tweets, pins, pictures, infographics, videos, multimedia
- Curate content, finding and sharing information of interest to the Chapter’s audience while respecting copyright laws
- Respond to social media comments, concerns and complaints in a professional manner
- Advise on the best way to integrate social media in the Chapter’s website, marketing campaigns and content publishing
- Create and manage social media campaigns tailored to the specific needs of the Chapter
- Monitor and post on behalf of the Chapter to other people’s blogs, social sites and so forth to develop new relationships. Reach out to online communities to build Chapter brand awareness
- Elevate the profile of the project management profession by disseminating PMI’s thought leadership and research to a regional audience
- Develop or update a succession plan and training materials for this volunteer role
Roles and Responsibilities
The Vice President of Education is responsible for all matters related to certifications (obtaining), programs, professional development (on-going training/PDUs), speaker acquisitions, academic outreach, mentoring and LIGS/CoPs
The VP of Education is responsible for overseeing the following activities:
- Certification
- Programs
- Professional Development
- Speaker Acquisitions
- Academic Outreach
- Mentoring
- LIGs / CoPs
Important Qualifications or Skills
- Familiarization with PMI certification programs and topics
- Event planning
- Organizational skills
- Negotiation skills
The roles and responsibilities of the VP of Education Directors:
Director of Professional Development
- The Director of Professional Development is responsible for developing and operating workshops that support the professional development and certification needs of the Central Virginia chapter.
- Responsible for filling the committee with interested volunteers.
Lead and develop the committee. - Provide monthly updates to the VP of Education.
- Evaluate member need for workshops and workshop topics to provide PDUs that support the PMI Talent Triangle criteria.
- Evaluate member needs for certification workshops to support members credentialing plans (e.g., PMI-ACP, PMP, PMI-RMP, etc.).
- Determine approach, structure and technology to provide workshops for members, such as classroom, on-line, webinar.
- Evaluate workshop vendors and/or presenters to determine selection of workshop materials and presentation.
- Plan workshop events, collaborating with Board members on timeframes and dates.
- Engage vendors and/or presenters to fulfill each planned meeting in conjunction with the Director of Speaker Management or VP of Education.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations and Director of Event Planning, plan the logistics and food for the event.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, VP of Communications, establish the event registration on the PMI CVC site and promote the event.
- Coordinate with PMI Global on any insurance or other PMI requirement.
- Hold the workshop events and collect feedback from the attendees.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, provide the attendee information for logging the PDUs.
- Develop and maintain relationships with local universities and colleges.
- In conjunction with the VP of Education, prepare annual budget, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget.
- Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required.
Director of PMI CVC Toastmasters
- Presiding over meetings
- Earning distinguished club recognition
- Leading an guiding the members
- Representing the Club at District and International levels.
- In addition to the Toastmasters Club role, the Director of PMI CVC Toastmasters has additional responsibilities to the PMI Central Virginia Chapter.
- Responsible for filling the committee with interested volunteers.
- Lead and develop the committee.
- Provide monthly updates to the VP of Education.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, VP of Communications, establish the event registration on the PMI CVC site and promote the Toastmasters events.
- Hold the Toastmasters events.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, provide the attendee information for logging the PDUs.
- In conjunction with the VP of Education, prepare annual budget, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget.
- Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required.
Director of Speakers
- The Director of Speaker Management will be responsible for sourcing and securing quality speakers for PMI CVC in support of providing interesting programs for members.
- Responsible for filling the committee with interested volunteers.
- Lead and develop the committee.
- Provide monthly updates to the VP of Education.
- Evaluate member need for meeting topics to provide PDUs that support the PMI
- Talent Triangle criteria.
- Solicit quality speakers and maintain the speaker list (covering the PMI Talent Triangle categories.
- Coordinate with the various event venues to provide speaker recommendations for all events, such as Richmond and Charlottesville Dinner Meetings, PMO
- Practice Group, Government Practice Group, Professional Development
- Workshops and the PMI CVC Symposium.
- Follow up with speakers for presentation title, description, bio, photographs, and PMI Talent Triangle category of the presentation.
- Plan for speaker assignments three (3) months in advance.
- Facilitate speaker contracts.
- Send thank you notes to speakers upon completion of assignment.
- Coordinate with the VP of Finance to ensure payment of speaker fees and expenses.
- In conjunction with the VP of Education, manage speaker fees against the annual budget, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget.
- Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required.
PMIEF Coordinator
- Attend PMIEF trainings, updates, and receptions, as available.
- Become knowledgeable about PMIEF programs and products.
- Subscribe to and remain up-to-date with PMIEF e-newsletter.
- Communicate to your PMI Chapter Board Members the wealth of PMIEF resources the board can utilize and the opportunities for partnering with the PMIEF.
- Provide ongoing education to your PMI chapter members about PMIEF.
- Communicate to your PMI chapter members the PMIEF resources they can utilize (PMIEF newsletter, scholarships, awards, resources, etc.)
- Advocate for the coordination and use of PMIEF resources by your PMI chapter and its members.
- Represent the interests of PMIEF to your PMI chapter, its board, and members.
- Promote PMIEF academic scholarships, awards, and training scholarships among your PMI chapter members, as appropriate, and encourage applicants to submit all relevant materials in a timely manner.
- Facilitate the sharing of ideas specific to philanthropic activities and creation of new programs from your PMI chapter to PMIEF.
- Suggest new charitable programs and products for PMIEF consideration.
- Become knowledgeable about the ethics and conduct of public charities.
Director of Innovation Project Managment Group
- The Director of the Innovataion Project Management Group is responsible for developing and operating meetings that support the professional development needs of the PMO community of practice for the Central Virginia chapter.
- Responsible for filling the committee with interested volunteers.
- Lead and develop the committee.
- Provide monthly updates to the VP of Education.
- Evaluate member need for PMO-related meeting topics to provide PDUs that support the PMI Talent Triangle criteria.
- Determine approach, structure and technology to provide meetings for members, such as classroom, on-line, webinar.
- Plan meeting events, collaborating with Board members on timeframes and dates.
- Engage vendors and/or presenters to fulfill each planned meeting in conjunction with the Director of Speakers or VP of Education.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, plan the logistics for the event (if needed).
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, VP of Communications, establish the event registration on the PMI CVC site and promote the event.
- Hold the meeting events and collect feedback from the attendees.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, provide the attendee information for logging the PDUs.
- In conjunction with the VP of Education, prepare annual budget, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget.
- Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required.
PMI CVC Symposium Project Manager
- The PMI CVC Symposium Project Manager is responsible for developing and operating a Symposium or Professional Development Day (PDD) event that supports the professional development needs for the Central Virginia chapter.
- Responsible for filling the committee with interested volunteers for the numerous roles for the Symposium event.
- Lead and develop the committee.
- Provide monthly updates to the VP of Education.
- Evaluate member need for topics to provide PDUs that support the PMI Talent Triangle criteria.
- Determine approach, structure and technology to provide Symposium meeting for members, such as classroom, on-line, webinar.
- Plan meeting event, collaborating with Board members on timeframes and dates.
- Engage vendors and/or presenters to fulfill the planned event agenda in conjunction with the Director of Progrmas and VP of Education.
In conjunction with the VP of Operations, plan the logistics for the event (if needed). - Coordinate with PMI Global on any insurance or other PMI requirement.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, VP of Communications, establish the event registration on the PMI CVC site and promote the event.
- Hold the event and collect feedback from the attendees.
- In conjunction with the VP of Operations, provide the attendee information for logging the PDUs.
- In conjunction with the VP of Education, prepare annual budget, track income and expense items, and report progress against the budget.
- Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Vice President of Finance shall oversee the finances and management of funds for duly authorized purposes of the Chapter
The VP of Finance is responsible for overseeing the activities of the following Directors:
- Accounting
- Legal
Important Qualifications or Skills
- Dedication and commitment to the organization
- Good attention to detail
- Understanding of Chapter functions
- High level accounting understanding
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Ability to work against a budget
Roles and Responsibilities
Vice President of Operations is responsible for the following:
- Website Administration
- Research & Implement New Technology
- Event Operations and Planning (location, catering, registration)
- Documents and Records Retention
- Chapter strategic planning
- Mentor & oversee VP Operations team.
The roles and responsibilities of the VP of Operations Directors:
Director of Registration Operations
- Work with Vice Presidents and Directors to define the registration needs for an event and recruit volunteers to assist with event registration
- Set-up registration materials for each event
- Take attendance for virtual and in person events
- Work with Director of Speakers and VP of Education to obtain course materials, PDUs, and learning objectives
- Input and maintain course information in the Education Provider Portal
- Ensure PDUs are reported to PMI for members who attended an event
- Update chapter website with event content provided by the Director of Speakers and VP of Education
Director of Technology
- Administration and troubleshooting of chapter website and other tools
- Introduce new technology and good practices (Blog, Podcast, Webinars)
- Maintenance of permanent records
- Oversight of Technology of our Annual Conference
- Develop and provide website and other technology training for new volunteers
Important Qualifications or Skills
- Dedication and commitment to the organization
- Basic knowledge or awareness of latest communication mediums
- Basic understanding of website design and computer fundamentals
- Basic knowledge of event logistics and planning
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Ability to work against a budget
- Creative Thinking