Reporting PDUs

To report PDUs to PMI:

  1. Open your browser and go to the site
  2. Click the Log In button located at the top right of the screen
  3. Enter your username and password
    1. You will need to contact PMI support if you cannot log into your account
  4. Click on the MyPMI drop down and click “Dashboard”
  5. Click the “Report PDUs” button
  6. Click on the “I have a claim code” link in the PDU Claim Code box 
  7. Enter the PDU Claim Code in the “I have a claim code” field and click the Apply button. This will load all of the course information automatically
  8. Enter the start date and completion date
  9. Finally, check the box that states, “I agree this claim is accurate” and click the submit button

Once you submit a PDU claim, PMI will send you a confirmation email when your claim has been accepted Those PDUs will be applied to your credential

Note: It can take 1 to 5 days for the PDUs to apply 

PMI.ORG Website