04 February 2021 at 02:45AM
February President's Message
Carter G Woodson, a Virginia Native son, born to former slaves becomes the Father of Black History. He founded Negro History Week. That week turned into a month, Black History Month.
I grew up in a bubble at the Center of the Universe. No, not Ashland, Va. No, not New York City. Yes, Brooklyn NY or Kings County, sharing the Long Island with Queens County and across the bay from Richmond County (Staten Island). While I would never live in Richmond County, NY, I love living in the historic rich city of Richmond, in Central VA. This is a great month to explore our rich Virginia Black History. Should you accept it, our mission this month is to visit various historic locations, take a picture and send it to president@pmicvc.org to post on our website. One option is in front of UVA’s Carter B Woodson Institute. Another is on the Trail of Freedom in Fredericksburg. A third option is at the Reconciliation Statue in Richmond. More to come…
Upcoming live virtual PMI CVC Events. February. Please register to get our Early Bird special and free PDU’s for our discussions on Managing International Projects and finding the hidden Project Management Information System in SharePoint. In March we have a couple more live virtual events including our 2020 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner where we will have a pre-fixe dinner delivered to all 2020 volunteers and for a fee, to non-volunteers. There will be a volunteer/leadership focused discussion, a celebration of our 2020 Volunteer of the Year and a celebration of our 2020 volunteers.
PMI ACP Study Group. Interested? Please send an email to our dir.programs@pmicvc.org with subject “PMI ACP prep” If you want to add your expertise and lead/co-lead a PMI ACP, please reply. If you would love to jump start your PMI ACP prep by joining a study group, please reach out. Our PMI ACP Certified Servant Leaders WILL earn PDU’s for supporting this effort.
Stay Tuned for invitations to Special Live Meetings, Volunteer and Member Orientation Sessions, 4th Quarter Professional Development day with our Partner CPS Media and more opportunities for socially distant volunteerism in our community.
Thank you so much to our stand-out January Volunteers, Abhi, Susan, Bob, Danielle and Teresa. Thank you to our Executive Board for asking great questions and making quick decisions on behalf our our membership. Thank you to all of you, our peers, our friends, our families that support all we do. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.
Stay safe,
Ron Younger, PMP
PMICVC President 2021
Your Suggestions for Events, Speakers, Meeting Content, Training